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Friday, July 22, 2005

Life's Like That : What Goes Around Comes Around?

If someone comes up to you and hit you hard on the head with a brick, punched your face and give you a flying kick, how will you feel? Duuhhhh! Of course the first hit on the head will make you unconscious, what else can you feel besides a short sharp pain? When you woke up, it will be like "HUH??! What gives?"
So what's next? Revenge will most probably the first thing you think of. I mean that's common right? You hit me, I will surely hit you back. Unless you are a kind person and don't mind being hit repeatedly, finding it an enjoyment being bullied. When I hit you back, don't be a whiner and announced to the world that I've hit you hard on the head, you have suffered from my reaction. Well! You should have think of this earlier before you started it.
I guess, it is happening now, directly and indirectly. First US, now UK. Who's next? Did we send our hero to Iraq last time?


Eluzai said...

So true.. even in schools these days. Sad isn't it?

"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.
~ Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969)
34th US President, Republican

dizzyguy73 said...

Yes Tina, that applies everywhere.

dizzyguy73 said...

carryn - woahhhh, very chimmmm. But luckily I understand wat u said :P

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