Sometimes I have to work late at night. Worst part is, alone!! The whole office practically belongs to me. I will leave all the lights on. If I'm too tired, my mind will start to wonder, seing figure moving past my partition. A colleague told me the office is haunted. The operation staffs who work late night occasionally seing 'headless' figure. Scary!! To overcome this feeling, I will keep myself occupied, blast the MP3 player as loud as I can. 50 CENT makes my body move, my head shake with the beat. Wait! I didn't take 'ice' to calm myself, did I? Kill time by surfing porn sites, download XXX clips, sites which are related to work, finish up my paper work, etc.

They say ghost and goblins love coming out and visiting a person who is working in an office late and ALONE.. Watch your back!
cimai die die also wanna pull me in
tina - gheeee, thanks. Cant wait to meet them.
wingz - care to scratch my back? :D
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