Business must have been good for petrol stations owner before 12am. Saw lots of cars queuing up to get their fix. Hello! How much can you save huh? RM5? RM10?
1/7 - Heard over the radio & confirmed by The Star, government announced there won't be any price increase just yet.
yes dude... it's a scam by the petrol kiosk owner to gain quick bucks...
imagine how many people in the whole Malaysia queued up to buy petrol last nite..damn good sale man
farkiuuuuuuuuu.... buden i ngam ngam habis petrol la ... mch i kena que up for so long !!!! cimai rumor mongers!!!
ashotiwoth - yeah! everybody queued up like poor Mr Wingz like there'll be no more petrol tomorrow. Gheeeeez!
wingz - poor guy!
my friend told me during the last petrol price hike, some petrol stations purposely closed early on the eve of the hike.
reason: they can make more profit selling the petrol to you tomorrow. & you still have to fill your tank, despite the price hikes.
strange how we are a petrol-producing country yet we pay a bomb for it.
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