Ulcer ulcer ulcer! Why am I so prone to ulcers? It is bad if the ulcer is on the tongue. It is worse if there are more than one ulcers, three on the lips, two on the tongue. What I feel now is sore, painful wound. Urrrgghhh!! Why do I get
ulcer that frequent ? What's the remedy to ulcer ? I do drink a lot. See my water bottle on the right ? (the green one, not blue). Size - 1500ml. One day, I can finished up two bottles. Does anyone out there get ulcers too ? *sigh*
As if that's not suffering enough, I've gone to the toilet 6 times as of now. Must be the mamak food I took yesterday. Trying to limit my steps. If I'm not careful enough, my pants will get stained and the whole office will have durian like smell. What's the remedy for stomach ache besides doctor ? I am weak, I am so weak now. Must be someone cursing me for posting that 'divorce' posting. I think I know who....

As if that's not suffering enough, I've gone to the toilet 6 times as of now. Must be the mamak food I took yesterday. Trying to limit my steps. If I'm not careful enough, my pants will get stained and the whole office will have durian like smell. What's the remedy for stomach ache besides doctor ? I am weak, I am so weak now. Must be someone cursing me for posting that 'divorce' posting. I think I know who....
itulah.. kiss too much..got spread bagi galfren bo? hahah.. other pple kissing wont have problem, tapi dizzy....haha..GOD BLESS U !
Try Oradex. Its a mouth gargle solution that's quite strong. My dentist gave me a bottle after i had a wisdom tooth removal and cannot brush teeth.
Personally, i have ulcers occasionally, although not as bad as your cases. Oradex before sleeping for about 2 nights usually start the healing. As in it doesnt hurt, and the ulcer starts to diminish.
I think one large bottle is about RM15 or so. Worth a try, especially since you are in so much trouble with those holes now.
GOod luck.
Gosh! tell me about it.. ulcer is the worse..difficult to chew, brush teeth, gurgle..hate it.
Oh I forgot one more remedy.. I don't know what it's called but you can purchase it from the Chinese Medicine shops.. (watermelon seed)..it's green powder in a longish tube (RM1/- only)and very very good..worked for me.
Eat more fruits, for Vit C and gargle often. Listerine works for me. If bueh tahan, can go pharmacy and buy some med. Last time doctor gave me one very tiny tube, very good lor. Stress and not enough sleep are part of the cause so sleep early, don't come lurking at my blog tengah-tengah malam.
itula! lu mulut busuk !!! dats why kena ulcer ! KAKAKAKA!!! .. nx time b4 tah-K-Lun with gf .. pls rinse with listerine la LMAO!
a BIG THANK YOU to everyone (EXCEPT WINGZ). *Pass one big bottle of listerine to WINGZ* Take it Mr! U need it more than I do.
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