At last! The wait is over! Got my MyKad! The pic did not turn out as bad as I've thought. Phew! Hair and beard nicely taken. The back of the card printed "Touch n Go", "ATM", "64K Chip" and even "MEPS CASH". Huuuwaahhhhh, wah lan ehhhhhhhhhh, so canggih!. So I asked the officer.
"Butiran lesen memandu ada kat dalam?" [transalation - Driving license particulars in the card].
"Ya, betul Encik" [translation - Yes].
"Ohh bagus, jadi sekarang tak payah bawak lesen memandu la?" [translation - I don't have to bring separate driving license anymore?]
"Ehhh tidak, kena bawak jugak" [translation - Still needed].
I was liked - "HUH?! Canggih my ass!!!".
there was a case some time ago about this guy who had a mykad & didn't carry his driving license around because he was told the info was already inputted into his mykad.
the cops stopped him & saman him because he was "driving without his license"...
if they're not prepared to equip all the cops with scanners, they should hold back the canggihness. give people unnecessary trouble & waste taxpayers' good money only.
don't use the touch n go, the employee there is said that using the touch n go too many times would spoil the chip and they charge to change another card.
you very hansem ler !!!!
lynnee, 8dee - thanks for the info, appreciate it.
wingz - u jealous lehhh I more leng chai then u :P
wah... didn't know you look soooo cool!!
Yup! Tat's me. The sexiest man on earth.
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