On 9th March, I had my new chip based Identity Card made at JPN before the 31st Dec 2005 deadline. Took a number, waited for my turn. I was asked to wear a coat. Can't stand the smell of it. Must have been worn by thousands of people who sweat or worst of all, with skin diseases. When I was seated, the lady said "kanan, kiri skit, ooppss, kanan lagi, kiriiii, OK SIAP!". WTF!! OK SIAP?!! Now where's the customary, "ready, smileeeee, 1, 2, 3!!" Since I'm not prepared for the snap, what if I ended up like below? Can I have my IC redo?

Anyway, credit must be given to them. The whole process took less than 10 minutes. I was given a slip and was asked to returned 2 months later. Went there again on 12th May, was told not ready yet. Called Putrajaya JPN, was told to call again a month later. Now at the first place, why told me 2 months time sure ready? Anyway, a check at JPN website today show it's ready. Going to collect on Monday. Lets see how it goes.
Have you got your IC done? Prefer to go last minute and wait for the long queue huh?

Anyway, credit must be given to them. The whole process took less than 10 minutes. I was given a slip and was asked to returned 2 months later. Went there again on 12th May, was told not ready yet. Called Putrajaya JPN, was told to call again a month later. Now at the first place, why told me 2 months time sure ready? Anyway, a check at JPN website today show it's ready. Going to collect on Monday. Lets see how it goes.
Have you got your IC done? Prefer to go last minute and wait for the long queue huh?
wah thanks for the reminder. i'll do mine asap!
u r most welcome ;)
yahor, i done mine but dunno ready yet or not
u can ask to see ur picture wan mar... if taken not nice, can ask to re-take wan.... after all, it's gonna stay in your wallet for long time also...
5xmom - better check it out. According to JPN website, there will be fine of RM100 if the IC not collected within 3 months time.
Ashotiwoth - aisay! Boleh ka? Apa pasal dia orang tak kasi tau? Lets just wait & see how my pic looks like on Monday when I go collect it.
dizzy, don't worry. Ur new IC pix will look handsome just like the "spiky hair" feler. Hhahahha.... *0* - dizzyg
sweetheart, hopefully la. This morning went collect, they say 'tengah menunggu penghantaran dari ibu pejabat' :(
Woahh, cool. Sure look cute la :D
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