I dislike people who simply borrow my things without returning it. I hate it when I want to use something, I can't find it anywhere. It simply dissapears. Two possibility. It could be :-
1. Someone took it. Maybe its a little harsh to say that. The correct sentence will be 'someone has STOLEN it'.
2. It has legs and is taking a tour around the world.
From today onwards, I am going to use a permanent marker to write a word on my belonging - "STOLEN FROM DIZZY".
1. Someone took it. Maybe its a little harsh to say that. The correct sentence will be 'someone has STOLEN it'.
2. It has legs and is taking a tour around the world.
From today onwards, I am going to use a permanent marker to write a word on my belonging - "STOLEN FROM DIZZY".
lol! good idea.. next time u can also try writing your name on your things. I usually write my name of all my office stationary..ie.. pen/pencil, eraser, puncher, glue.. etc.. cause same case here la.. always stolen!
hey Nice blog + nice pic, is it ya?
BTW i saw some posts marked dizzy crossed the road, but i dunno why did they cross the road!
Tina - hmmm, STOLEN FRM DIZZY sounds better :D
Keith - Yup! That's the pic of Dizzy :D Errrr, dizzy cross the road to get over to the other side????
Karen - so rich ah u? One pen very expensive u know ?
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