Is there any risk in taking half-boiled eggs? Too bad, the answer is yes. Click here to read more about it. 'Pathogen' can be found in the yolk or egg white which causes Salmonella enteritidis illness. Got to seriously think twice before taking another half-boiled egg.
Can eat la Karen, but not everyday ler.
looks yummy.. i remember eating raw egg during my teen years.. hold my breath and gulp it down.. so yuckkyyy..But it's gives a person stamina and energy throughout the whole day.
Tina - raw egg? Eewwwwwllll
dSaint - yes! eat more raw eggs like Tina.
Chey...so sked for what. At most we only lau sai. Our Asian's stomach can stand one. And take dsaint's word. Came from drliew.net - Eat first, die later.
Must sked la! No health got $$$ no use neh. Correct boh?
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