Lung, mouth, nose, throat, oesophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, myeloid leukaemia, etc.
Chronic bronchitis, recurrent infections in the airways, etc

Heart and Circulatory
Coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc
Other disorders
Ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, defective vission, cataract, etc.
Even if you do not smoke but exposed to smoke from other people's cigarettes (secondary smoke) could cause the following :
- Eyes, nose, throat irritation, headaches, dizziness
- Aggravation of asthma and allergies
- Increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, etc.
What effect it has on babies and young children ?
- Increased acute respiratory illness in early childhood (including infections)
- Chronic cough, phlegm and wheezing
- Chronic middle ear effusions
- Increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome
- Reduced levels and growth of lung function, etc
A google search on "disease caused by smoking" generated 1,910,000 results.
Knowing what good smoking can do for you, WHY DO YOU STILL SMOKE?!
Many have tried quit smoking. Some managed to do it, some even blogged about it. Check out how Tammy do it.

Knowing what good smoking can do for you, WHY DO YOU STILL SMOKE?!
Many have tried quit smoking. Some managed to do it, some even blogged about it. Check out how Tammy do it.
You have a really good blog.
true, true, DO NOT SMOKE! prevention is better than cure, Be smart. Live a healthy life.
What do you do when your girlfriend starts smoking???!
Ok,... you gip up? :-)
The answer is = You slow down.
hehe, solly dizzy.
NGI - Stop or die earlier.
Tina - Agreed!
Mahaguru - dump her look for another one :D Lucky thing she dont smoke.
NGI - double up? u mean i go get second gf ah? LOL
dude i know wat u mean la :D
U sure ah Karen? U do different kinda smoke at night rite? LOL
Female smokers who smoke from an early age run high risks of getting heart disorders. Infact the risks that they face are double as compared to their male counterparts. It has been proved that smoking yields much more adverse effects on women as compared to men. http://www.chantixhome.com
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