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Thursday, June 14, 2007

McDonald Parking

Got this infor. via email. Even a copy of the resit it attached.

If you are at Butterworth, take notice of this. McDonald Autocity has a rule on their parking lots. Anyone who parks their cars at their parking lots (even though you are their customers) for more than 2 hours, their tires will be clamped. Subsequently, you need to pay RM50 just to open the car clamp. They have displayed the notice regarding this and there will be no warning letter issue out even though you have done it on first time.

McDonald Greenland has the same rule as well. If you park more than certain period, you will be fined. However, this franchise will first issue the warning letter before clamp your tire.

Thus, in future, while you park your car in any McD franchise, pls be aware on the sign board (it is hardly to be noticed due to the color tone and the landscaping around).

They did not have any standardization on this rule for all McD Franchises. Feedback already provided to their head quarter but there is no response from them.

So the next you are McD, look around for the parking notice or ask the counter. Don't get high blood pressure later when your wheel got clamped.


Eluzai said...

whoa! good info.. but they shld be doing that..driving away their customers soon

dizzyguy73 said...

Yup! Lets go to KFC or Burger King.

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