Above show the condition of the bathroom before applying Mr. Muscle. Ok, for a while there, I see high hope in getting rid of the stuborn stain. Read the instruction printed on it. Ok, time to rock & roll.
Apply Mr. Muscle. Waited few minutes. Rinse with clean water. What the heck?!

Stain still there? OK, perhaps I need to leave it over night. Spray Mr. Muscle on all those spots again. Leave it over night. We will see how it goes tomorrow.
lol!! what la u...lol!! Mr. Muscle lost his muscles.. looks dirtier.. yea.. try leaving it over nite..someone once told me use Vinegar, it works.. never tried it.
Ya man! Felt like being ripped off again. Darnit! Now you know whether you should buy one or not.
Can you give a try on the vinegar & let me know please ? Or ask Karen to try it.
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