
Ever feel someone or something following you, especially when you are walking alone, at night? An eerie feeling! Shiver when it's not windy at all?

When you are suppose to be on bed alone, you felt a strong presence of a medium. Where? Sleeping beside you. Slowly, you turn to check it out, you swear you saw something, before it vanished into thin air...

Washing your hair, out of a sudden, you smell blood & you felt that you are being watched & it's getting closer & closer to you.
While you were having dinner, unpleasant smell.... stench, coming out from nowhere. Oppss! Wait ! That must be Karen farting ! Pooutt poouuutttt !!!
wei, chinese ghost ah? lol!!
Surf - yeah bro, she memang kuat kentot fella.
Tina - ya lor, it's ghost month in chinese calender. One will visit u tonite.
i know now ghost month for the chinese, tat does'nt mean you have to frighteen everyone ok...
maybe ghost ate durian la..thats why smelly la...
ghost scared of durian la duhhhhh...
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