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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Got into a highway accident last week. Bad scratch from front all the way to the back. All because I was tired & fell asleep while driving. The car got too close to the divider & it all happened so fast. Loud bang! Swerve to the left & right, managed to control the vehicle. As it was late night, only 2 vehicles behind me, quite a distance away. I think they got shocked, but the shocked me & my darling had is unimaginable.

Stopped at rest area & inspect the damaged. I didn't feel that bad, as I'm glad, we managed to escape unhurt. My darling felt the same too. Thank goodness. Dent can be repair & repaint, but if due to my reckless & my darling got hurt, I don't know how to forgive myself. I will rather get injured than my darling.


Eluzai said...

Tired and fell asleep while driving??? haiyo! very time drink nescafe or 100plus b4 driving. Glad the both of u are ok.

dizzyguy73 said...

Giving another chance to live... must appreciate it.

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