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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hopefully it doens't collapsed

I was sitting on the 1st floor doing my work as usual, suddenly a colleague asked me to go over to his place. He pointed at the floor, I saw the tiles cracking. It was a small crack, then the crack spread right infront of my eyes. In split second, more tiles cracked & this time the sound can be heard meters away. It's just like what I saw in the movie. It all happened so fast. All of us, including the other department staffs nearby got panic & ran away quickly, in fear that the 1st floor will collapsed. There were few curious one still dare to walked over & watched the cracked.

One HR staff & another Safety Committee Team members were quick to point that it's normal & nothing to be worried about. But how sure are they? Shouldn't they be getting the professional to evaluate the floors? The employees safety is at stake.

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