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Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Yea yea yea Karen, I heard you saying, "WTF is SMiShing".

Well, it stands for "SMS Phishing". No Karen, it's not sending sms to me asking me go fishing.
It's a new threat or mobile phone security risk out there, where phone users are tricked into downloading a file into their mobile phones. Once downloaded, the program will automatically send out sms to the contact list on your phone. What sms ? No no, not "wait me at Armada". I also don't know what sms la. It doesn't mentioned in the website.

Be safe!


Eluzai said... spy eh?

DZ : yup! worst than spy. It eat off ur credit

karen said...

what you talking la...since when i asked you this question? hmmm..drunk ah?

DZ : no karen, it's not fishing

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