Ah Beng bought a Honda VTI recently and drove to Ah Lian's place. So there Ah Beng was bragging the various functions of his new car to his girlfriend.
"This is ah, so fast even the puuulice cannot catch ah!"
"Ha! Really ah!!!" said Ah Lian.
"Some more hor, this is automatic one, vely easy to drive!"
So Ah Lian said, "Let me try! I wan, I wan!"
So Ah Lian took the driver's seat and shifted the gear and floored the accelerator. The car sped backwards and crashed into the lamp-post.

"U Siao Char Bo! What u doing?!! U see lah! Wah Piang eh!" screamed Ah Beng.
"Soli, soliii, pai seh lah! I tot "R" for racing mah!"
"This is ah, so fast even the puuulice cannot catch ah!"
"Ha! Really ah!!!" said Ah Lian.
"Some more hor, this is automatic one, vely easy to drive!"
So Ah Lian said, "Let me try! I wan, I wan!"
So Ah Lian took the driver's seat and shifted the gear and floored the accelerator. The car sped backwards and crashed into the lamp-post.

"U Siao Char Bo! What u doing?!! U see lah! Wah Piang eh!" screamed Ah Beng.
"Soli, soliii, pai seh lah! I tot "R" for racing mah!"
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