She's so right! I went filled up while ago, darn it, I've to forked out additional RM15. !@#$%^&* Sigh! No use complaining now, so these are what I'm going to do:-
Other area which I can cut down costs :-

1. No more buying soft drink. Only drink plain water. Chinese tea for lunch. Soft drink RM1.50 per can. A month can save RM45.
2. Bypass toll. A month can save RM60.
3. Wake my lazy ass up early to avoid stuck in traffic jam. The longer I wait in traffic, the more fuel I burnt. If I woke up early, I might be able to beat the red light as early where got police traffic right? hehehe...

4. Avoid going out for lunch. One meal can cost RM4. A month can save RM120.
Eat roti on Mon, Wed, Fri. Roti RM1.90 can last for 3 days. Tue, Thu eat instant noodle - RM1.00 for two days.
5. No more buying junk food & sweets for little niece. Junk food bad for health. Sweets bad for teeth.
6. No more online at home. Make full use of office Internet access. Free one maa....
If really have to go online, when net connection not needed, disconnect. Dial only when needed. I know won't saved so much la, at least can saved 10 cents maa. 10 cents can buy 2 sweets you know???
7. Put up extra hour at office. Go back early also stuck in traffic jam. Will used up more fuel.
8. Go back early will use up more electricity & also sien nothing to do. Stay at office, use company water, lights, air-cond, pc... woahhhhh, not good meh? No need pay one wohhh... Too bad office don't have tv. Nevermind la, already saved so much... hehee

9. Cut down unnecessary trip to mamak.
10. Setup more blog & put up Adsense. Woahhh, is going to take ages for the first USD100 to arrived. By then, I think I already retired lor. Gheezzzz....
Other area which I can cut down costs :-

1. No more buying soft drink. Only drink plain water. Chinese tea for lunch. Soft drink RM1.50 per can. A month can save RM45.
2. Bypass toll. A month can save RM60.
3. Wake my lazy ass up early to avoid stuck in traffic jam. The longer I wait in traffic, the more fuel I burnt. If I woke up early, I might be able to beat the red light as early where got police traffic right? hehehe...

4. Avoid going out for lunch. One meal can cost RM4. A month can save RM120.
Eat roti on Mon, Wed, Fri. Roti RM1.90 can last for 3 days. Tue, Thu eat instant noodle - RM1.00 for two days.
5. No more buying junk food & sweets for little niece. Junk food bad for health. Sweets bad for teeth.

6. No more online at home. Make full use of office Internet access. Free one maa....
If really have to go online, when net connection not needed, disconnect. Dial only when needed. I know won't saved so much la, at least can saved 10 cents maa. 10 cents can buy 2 sweets you know???
7. Put up extra hour at office. Go back early also stuck in traffic jam. Will used up more fuel.
8. Go back early will use up more electricity & also sien nothing to do. Stay at office, use company water, lights, air-cond, pc... woahhhhh, not good meh? No need pay one wohhh... Too bad office don't have tv. Nevermind la, already saved so much... hehee

9. Cut down unnecessary trip to mamak.
10. Setup more blog & put up Adsense. Woahhh, is going to take ages for the first USD100 to arrived. By then, I think I already retired lor. Gheezzzz....
Ever tried being a monk? hehehe...
:P u ahhhh!
Rice with salt / sugar? Woah, sounds like zaman perang jepun. Eat ubi kayu only :P
Yo man! Tat's rite, no use complaining of price hike continously liao. Must start to take some action.
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