Been having problem with this USB to Network adaptor. Have to google for the driver. And look at the label, it stated "
KY-RS9600". Downloaded the driver & guess what, it still doesn't work. Spent almost half a day to troubleshoot this darn device.
Google further & downloaded the driver for "
SR9600". Finally!! It works!
Got the driver from this site ...
click here
dont understand...but okkkk....
Hello Dizzy Guy. I was wondering if there is any chance that you might upload me that driver that you used to get the ky-rs9600 network adapter going. I went to the site that you posted a link to but was unable to find the driver that I needed. I am putting a email address so that you can send me any information that you have or the driver. Thanks for any help on this matter. Chuck Townsend Thanks again.
I'm also looking for that driver and ran into the same problem when I clicked on that link you gave. Do you think you could possibly email me also. Steve King I'm looking for Windows ME I know it's old but it was freeeeeeee. Thanks.
It's a forum, Search for the post with file "usb_nic.rar"
You have to register :(
and reinstall that driver everytime I've had to remove the chip
This is the Driver for Windows Vista
hello there....
i have a problem same as yours in this link ""
try to google the driver...but i cant find it....the link u give also dont help much....
so please....where to find this usb-RJ45 driver....
or u can just email me the driver...
here my email
pleaseeee....=) looking for driver for window 7..did you see it somewhere?
Here it is!
KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600 Windows 7 driver (32bit)
************************************************* LAN CD-Drivers (KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600) Windows 7 Setup.exe
@ jose antonio : I'm looking this driver for Win XP (32 bit). Can you help me, thx a lot..
Here it is!
KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600 Windows XP driver (32bit)
im looking for Win me,
did you see it somewhere?
Yes, I have Win Me and win 2k drivers.
I will post the WinMe driver here as soon I get home... just wait some 24 hours more.
wow i got the driver for windows xp 32bit but i cant get it to work with my xbox360 anybody have any tips??!!!
please and thanks you!! <3
Here it is!
KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600 Windows 98 - Windows Me driver (32bit)
To Jose Antonio
Many thanks for all your support on this topic.
I would much appreciate a final posting by you for the drivers for Win 2K.
Best Regards
Here it is!
KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600 Windows 2000 driver (32bit)
Thanks Jose.
I can confirm your .exe files files work on both my Win2K and Vista PCs.
It is only after I got your files that I realised I had them after all. I was supplied a mini CD with the USB_RJ45 equipment but found it of no use when the add new hardware went searching for INF files.
However the is a folder on the mini CD that has the .exe files for all platforms. Just double click the appropriate one and you should be up and running.
Big Thanks to you Jose Antonio..!
one day if i change to SEVEN from XP i'll try those link, GBU...!!!
Who has the Windows 7 x64 driver for RS9600? Plz! Thank you!
Sorry but there is not win 7 64 bit drivers for this adaptor... yet.
Seems that this adaptor uses a chip that is not compatible with 64 bits versions.
You might want to buy this one: I'm buying 2 of this puppies cos seems it is compatible with win 7 64bit
Who has the Windows 7 x64 driver for RS9600? Plz! Thank you!
me too!
Who has the Windows 7 x64 driver for RS9600? Plz! Thank you!
me too!
THERE IS NOT 64BIT driver AVAILABLE for this adaptor. The chip it use is very old now and no windows 64 bit version of the driver has been developed for it.
There is not 64bit available for this adaptor. The chip it use is very old now and no windows 64 bit version of the driver has been developed for it.
Hello Jose,I installed the driver setup files for my windows 7 pc,but the ky-rs9600 network adapter still does not work,there is no light also flashing.
What is the next step after installing the driver?
Well maybe your device is defective... go to the windows device manager and look if there is an "unknow device" every time you plug the network adapter. If there is one then you got it defective. You can also try to plug it on another usb port. Other thing is that this network adapter is not windows 7 64bit compatible, check if your windows is 64 or 32 bit.
Hi Dizzy,
You're the man !!! XP driver works perfectly
TQ Jose Antonio. U the man!
Dizzy, thanks VERY much for the Windows 2k .exe installer for the KY-R@9600. The eBay seller I bought mine from didn't post the info they had claimed to for installing. Thanks to your link I've painlessly gotten the adapter working and am enjoying DSL on my old Compaq Presario 1247. Can I PayPal you a few dollars for your efforts?? -Chuck
Wow Chuck! :) Thanks for your generosity. But I dont have a PayPal account. Perhaps Jose Antonio who contributes here have a PalPal?
As it turns out, the CD provided by the seller does have the correct driver, but your site got me going before I discovered that. Jose Antonio, if you have a PayPal account, I'd like to send you a few dollars for your help. -Chuck
Sure! It will be very nice cos i need some money to maintain my AV upto date... please send it to :D Thank you vey much!
Lol you guys helped me out -- regretfully, I'm on 64-bit, but at least i know the bottomline.
Thanks =)
HI Jose Antonio
I have installed in my notebook with Windows 7 the net speed is 10Mbs..but during the speed test (, using KY-SR9600 the max speed i have got is 5,2 Mbs...I would like to know if this device decrease the net speed?
Tnxs, Cesar Martin
Hi Rene, first this is a USB 1.1 device so its limited to 12 Mbit speed theoretical so it will perform lower than that. Second... the speed of the usb bridge chip inside of the device is not quite the best of its kind so you can expect a decrease of perfomance too. Adding that to the real perfomance of the USB 1.1 device class you get that top speed. my device have that average speed so its no recomended to use as a main internet device, i use it to test and access web interfaces of routers and servers. I have a USB 2.0 adapter that uses all 100mbit speed of ethernet so maybe you need something like that.
I'm also on x64, too bad... well, thanks for the info guys!
is there anyone could tell me how to change physical address of this adapter ???...
i really need to change the physical address...=="
Another 64-bit Victim....:(.......thnx 4 the info
DAMMIT (x64 user)
Hi there, try to visit on this link Maybe it will help you.
pc tech support
u r great indeed!!!
Are you sure, that there is no way to use this device with 64bit win7? And why is that? Can somebody give me a link to the oficial site of the producer? Thanks.
Hi I've tried the link for windows 7 but i get this response on MediaFire "File Removed for Violation." could you please help me.
Thanking you in advance
Here it is... again :D !
KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600 Windows 7 driver (32bit)
Thanks for the last link, (Win7) but Kaspersky said that it wants access to password protected folder upon installation. Can anyone confirm this software is safe?
You can try to upload the file to and see the report of other antivirus. Kaspersky is well known of consider everything that can`t scan easily as "potentially dangerous"
Jose Antonio- all links aren't working now.. :( plz give me ky- gf9700 's drivers for windows 8 or 7.
@සුළඟිල්ල | pinkie
remenber there is no 64bit driver available.
USB LAN CD-Drivers (KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600) Setup WinXP.exe (5.8 MB)!YlMEkK4B!KzkNKj82qHwytpFMXXg2cyG73LkchWfeNpkvb18o4Iw
USB LAN CD-Drivers (KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600) Setup Win7.exe (1.6 MB)!VwlDjT5Y!ZZqXOngua8P71saPTPlz-mul7isdZYFhiQXhe3j8ttQ
@සුළඟිල්ල | pinkie
remenber there is no 64bit driver available.
USB LAN CD-Drivers (KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600) Setup WinXP.exe (5.8 MB)!YlMEkK4B!KzkNKj82qHwytpFMXXg2cyG73LkchWfeNpkvb18o4Iw
USB LAN CD-Drivers (KY-SR9600 - KY-RS9600) Setup Win7.exe (1.6 MB)!VwlDjT5Y!ZZqXOngua8P71saPTPlz-mul7isdZYFhiQXhe3j8ttQ
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