Reached KLIA. WTF !!! Such a long queue. Aha!! Only 2 counters opened!!! No wonder ler! Waited for 5 minutes. Aiyoohh, why lah why lah ? Why am I so... so.. errr, what's the word ah? Went straight to without baggage checked in counter. Less than a minute kautim!

Check Jeff Ooi blog. WTF !!! We got surprise waiting for us again on 1st Jan!! Bluudy tol hike!! 60% increased? WFT !!!
Wait for a bigger surprise! Fuel increased! What a way to start a new year for Malaysian.
Semuanye OK ?
Flight delayed for 2 long hours due to poor visibility at Senai airport. Darn it!
now u in JB or pleasure ah??? Dont go disturb people's daughter all ah....Dont forget to buy us all back something..
DZ : Work ler beb! What u want ? I try buy ok ? Not driving, so not convenient la
why u eat so messy ah??
DZ : in a hurry mahhhh funny! ahhahaa..
DZ : very funny meh ? duhh
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