Last week & this week lots of free makan. The managers belanja me makan, sort of like thanking me for helping them to sort out the problems related to IT there, improving their networking system, etc. Lunch today is also free. Had bah kut teh with another manager from other deparment. What's more! Since it's free, so wallap as much as I can lah, like there's no tomorrow.
On the 13th, this Friday, there's another free dinner organised by my boss. There will be lots of people attending. Phuh! Like I'm a celebrity saja .... muaaahhhh HAHAHAA
does this mean you are going to be more fatter? hehe..
glad they understand that its their loss that you are leaving the company tho..
Feel a bit sad though leaving this company after long year of service.
But hey! Gotta think of myself also wat right ?
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