Encountered a problem lately using CutePDF to convert Excel with multiple worksheets into PDF.
Instead of creating a single PDF, CutePDF saved it into few PDF files.
These steps should solved the problem :
At Excel file, File - Page Setup.
Look at Print Quality. If 600 dpi is stated, ensure the rest of the worksheets are also at 600 dpi (value needs to be consistent through the worksheets).
Hi friends,
CutePDF software allows you to convert any type of file into PDF format. It has the capability to convert files, including WordPad, Microsoft Office applications and Libre Office programs etc. Thank you...
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thank you very much, this solved this issue directly. i was surprised that my different worksheets within the workbook had different dpi resolutions, i thought it might have something to do with some being landscape others portrait, but it wasn't that part at all. THANKS
Glad that helps. I spent long hours troubleshooting n finally got it.
You're right! Genius! Thanks so much for posting this - it was driving me nuts and I never would have found it. One tip that worked for me is to select all tabs, then print preview. Then you can scroll through each page and hit Page Setup on each one to check the dpi number. Thanks again.
Thanks Clark for the tips too.
Thank you all for the tips. Can I get an idea to add some sheets of word and excel into a single pdf?
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