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Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm a civilised driver

I've been trying to be a good / civilised driver out there, keeping to the speed limit. Sometimes being good doesn't earn us anything, but more problem / hazard I will say. Being civilised on the road also opened up my eyes, it made me realised how dangerous our road is. There are many crazy drivers out there who did not realise that they are actually inviting death. Drivers who appear out of nowhere in high speed & purposely step on the break just few inches behind our car, drivers who swerve in & out too close for comfort like the road belongs to their grandpapa or mama are just some of the drivers which I meant 'inviting death'.

These nincompoop not only dangered theirselves, but also those innocent lives out there. NINCOMPOOOOPPPP !!!


Eluzai said...

lol Nincompooooopppp.....haha.. good one.

karen said...

ya la, also those cars ah behind u put high beam lights ..ayohhh..we cant drive also, its so glaring u know... cheh! ningcompops !

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